Tiny Beautiful Things
By Cheryl Strayed
There’s not really a whole lot I can say about this book. It was ok but I skimmed through a bit of it too, so many stories and not all of them that interesting.
I was intrigued as Cheryl Strayed was the woman who wrote the ‘Wild’ memoir, hiking 1100 miles along the Pacific Crest Trail in a bid to escape her demons.
This book is a collection of her communications with the many who contacted ‘Dear Sugar’ for advice on love and life, a few years before Strayed wrote Wild.
Favourite quotes:
Trusting yourself means living out what you already know to be true
Forgiveness means you’ve found a way forward that acknowledges harm done and hurt caused without letting either your anger or your pain rule your life or define your relationship with the one who did you wrong
There is no cure except to live the hell out of our lives, to take it apart, to put it back together, to dig it all up, and then fill the hole. To help ourselves and one another to the best of our abilities. To believe everything entirely, while also calling bullshit for what it is
This is not a must read but an easy one with some great learning points. I have added Wild to my reading list as that has great reviews.