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Gone with the Wind


By Margaret Mictchell


What a fantastic book! I simply couldn't put it down.

Mitchell has done a great job giving us a detailed background of the Civil War while still keeping you interested and engaged. The haunting scenes described were terrible and intrigued me to read more about the Civil War.


The story is centred around the protagonist, Scarlett O’Hara. A headstrong and fiery girl of 16, we watch her grow up and mature through numerous tragedies over a 15-year period. Scarlett is incredibly selfish, spoiled and stupid but it’s impossible not to fall in love with her charisma. By the end her character has come a long way, finally being able to accept the way things are and be happy. Scarlett is a survivor and has an amazing spirit, right to the very end despite everything that has happened to her.


The love stories are gripping and have you questioning right to the very last page.

I loved all the characters and enjoyed getting to know each of them so well. Rhett Butler is a brilliant character, charming, lustful, innovative, and an investor, waiting for Scarlett to come around and love him back, always being the consummate alpha male.


I was so sad to finish this book - swallowing up the 1100 pages in only a few weeks!

This book is well worth a 5. Any book that has such a strong effect on a reader deserves it. A classic that must be read.


Favourite quotes:

  • Burdens are for shoulders strong enough to carry them

  • After all, tomorrow is another day

  • You should be kissed and often and by someone who knows how (Rhett Butler)

  • Unless it is mad passionate extraordinary love it is a waste of time. There are too many mediocre things in life. Love should not be one of them

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