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The Great Gatsby


F. Scott. Fitzgerald


I really liked this book. It was short but sweet and packed full of events.


I was completely swallowed up by Gatsby’s charm, feeling sorry for him with all his insecurities. He has an almost fake confidence about him and is quite a vulnerable character, which is never more evident than when chasing his love interest (or obsession I should say…), Daisy.

I can’t say I liked Daisy’s character. She is very selfish and goes with the flow rather than fighting for anything. A very shallow and one dimensional person. I felt sorry for Gatsby. Of all the girls he could have, he chose to fall for her. She might have been different in the years before, maybe money changed her.


I found Nick annoying the way he idolised Gatsby so much and put him up on a pedestal. Yet he was the only one to stay by him in the end so I guess we have to give him credit for that. He is the one honest and decent person in the story.


At only 180 pages, it’s a very quick read. I loved the beautiful writing style, written with a sort of breezy pretension.

The highs of this novel are very high but the lows are even lower.

I look forward to reading this again over the coming years. It’s full of layers to unpeel

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